The End of Pennies4Girls


Navigating Through COVID19

Not in a millions years did I think COVID 19 would be what it has pan out to be: A Global Pandemic.

Every time I think about what the world’s most at risk citizens are currently experiencing, I cringe. Poverty limits millions and prevent progress on so many levels. They already are battling with the lack of resources, support and aide that are known to overrun in impoverished countries/areas. Now to watch an infectious disease spread rapidly throughout the world, threatening the lives of everyone, adding to the already disparities, is very overwhelming.

I struggled with navigating through the impact of COVID 19 and how to effectively offer help to those in need. Figuring out this “new normal” and the future of Pennies4Girls looked dim. After 7 years, P4G would suffer by the hands of COVID 19 impact like how hundreds of business and companies have.

After 8 months of trying to figure out how to best help those in need during these hard times, I came up with the decision of continuing my birthday tradition of “giving a birthday gift from my heart to the world.” This would be done by joining forces with 2 nonprofits: 1 in Jamaica and 1 in the Philippines. 


Children are the ones suffering the most with the current state of the world and parents are struggling with the loss of jobs. Wanting to lessen the burden of parents and, in the same process, bring joy to their children the gifting of gifts for the holiday season thought to be best.

Not being able to personally do the groundwork in these developing countries, I had to rely on someone I trust to follow through with these projects. After speaking with a great friend of mine, I decided to work with Gift of Love Foundation Jamaica Ltd (Gift of Love Ja).

Gift of Love Ja is a nonprofit base in Jamaica who are committed to making the country better through the gift of love. My point of contact was Rory McPherson, one of the founders and It was a pleasure working with him. He and his team decided on two homes: Garland Hall Home of Safety and Pregnancy Resource Center (both in Montego Bay, Jamaica) that we would fulfill the Wishlist of children there.

Majority of the support I get for my projects are mainly from friends and family. Hence, I wasted no time in reaching out and asking for help in buying at least 1 toy on a child’s Wishlist. Support came pouring in and I was so grateful. The world right now is chaotic and unpredictable, so I didn’t expect much. However, donors make the effort to dig a little deeper and their generosity was dumfounded. 120,000 pennies ($1200US) were collected and 60 gifts from children Wishlist list was fulfilled. 

The same thought was put into effort for children in the Philippines. However, at the request of families, food was requested instead of gifts for children. It broke my heart my heart to know that families had to make the decision in getting food over presents for their children, but I totally understand. Furthermore, I was happy to assist in getting families exactly what they needed. 51,000 pennies ($510) were collected and used to feed 34 families. Through Young Focus Christmas Family Food Package campaign, it cost 1,500 pennies ($15) for a food bucket per family.

Doing this project has reassured me the love and power in humanity that I love to see. The work of Pennies4Girls is important no matter how small it may be because that mere fact becomes a part of a cumulative effort of concerned citizens. This global pandemic took us by storm leaving the future of P4G in shambles, but we adjusted our sail and kept going.


Along with Young Focus, Gift of Love Ja and their team, I want to give a huge thank you to the below donors. Your selfless and thoughtful generosity has put smiles on children faces in Jamaica and food in the tummies of families in the Philippines. Thank you doesn’t even come close to my appreciation and gratitude. 

Now what a way to end 2020!!!


Gratitude Is A Must

Jamaica Donors

  • Petagaye

  • Diamond

  • Yanique

  • Charm

  • Tricia

  • A Tribe Thompson

  • Monalee

  • Victoria

  • Ryan

  • Keira

  • Trishanna

  • Sandra B.

  • The Doctors

  • Mercia

  • Cassandra

  • Keneisha S

  • Sandra G.

  • Germi

  • Daniel

  • Taneisha

  • Suzette

  • Roni

  • Nicholas

The Philippines Donors

  • Samantha

  • Shadell

  • Tamara

  • The Plunketts

  • Petagaye

  • Elizabeth

  • Shavel

  • The Matthews

  • Cileen

  • Mylane

  • Tanecia

A penny is not just a penny. Your penny could change the life of a child.

A penny is not just a penny. Your penny could change the life of a child.

Davinia James6 Comments